•We are trying to do it all!
•We are time poor
•Stressful & demanding roles at work and home
•Majority of women work outside of the home
•Our families have expectations on our time
•We are chronic over givers
•We are trying to keep up with our peers and their Instagram perfect lives
•Technology means we are more hyper-connected than any generation before us
•We feel guilty for taking time out for ourselves!
•We rarely even get enough sleep!
Ok lets look at this list, I'm sure if I asked you we could come up with many more things to add…..
Would you agree that being a woman is a demanding and stressful role?
In 2020 women try and balance being a wife and mother but unlike our grandmothers we also need to work outside the home as well.
The pull between work and home can often feel like it is tearing us apart!
Or perhaps you have a demanding job but also need to support aging parents or a partner with an illness. Whatever the demands on you are I know they are many and varied!
Women are natural born givers, but we need to remember ourselves too or we will have nothing to give.
Adults need an average of 7-9 hours sleep , do you always get that?
It’s not a matter of us first
It’s just a matter of us as well
So please, use my page as a place to gain more tools for your self-care toolbox & learn to put yourself on the priority list
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